Printer Friendly Version 200 YEARS OF SERBS IN AMERICA @ 25 June 2014 06:17 PM

Dear friends,

Join us for Vidovdan 2014 in Philadelphia, June 27-29th!

Organized by the volunteers of the Tesla Science Foundation, the Serbian
National Federation and many other devoted volunteers.

We invite you to this historic event:

"200 Years of Serbs in America"

- Serbian Film Festival
- Unveiling of Tesla's bust at the Franklin Institute of Science (space limited)
- Opening Reception and Silent Auction for the victims of  the floods in
Serbia and Republika Srpska
- Concert of Serbian music in the most famous park in Philadelphia
- "Tesla's People" exhibit
- Lectures about Serbian History, World War I, Serbian tradition and diaspora.
- Book presentation, works of Serbian diaspora, under the "Kordun" Publishing House
- Serbian lunch and dinner prepared by our famous chef Ilija Saula and his group of friends
- "Lost in Brooklyn" theater show from Republika Srpska
- Distinguished guests, humanitarian organizations, well known Serbs and their friends

There are not many tickets left for our Traditional Serbian Dinner, so please visit our website for availability.
Let's meet, get to know each
other and start creating a better future!

Join us! Welcome!

Your Team of Volunteers
"200 years of Serbs in America"

For more detailed  info please visit